Rhythm Of Grace

Seven years ago, I began waking up at wee hours to care for my firstborn nursing child, who quickly grew into a toddling child. Soon enough, I woke to care for another nursing child. And over time, though rather quickly, I birthed and nursed two more little ones.

Suddenly my mornings were quite noisy, and so was my mind. I hadn't established a rhythm for meeting with the Lord, and evidence was everywhere.

Morning after morning, I realized these four little ones needing my care gave me four very strong reasons to change our rhythm. And so, I began to wake up early and care for my mind. It took a little bit of time, but like a garden planted, steady growth was noticeable.

There isn't much we can control in our lives, however there is much we can control about how we respond to in life! God has given us agency over our lives, and so this deeply encourages me to keep seeking the Lord in all that I do. 

Joshua 1:9 tells us, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

For me to gracefully make it through my calling to mother, care for our household, and pray for / with my sisters in Christ, I must keep my Bible nearby and study it daily.

And so, I rise early. During the cool and dark of the early morning, I side-step across our hardwood floors. I move from our bedroom, down the hallway, past bedrooms with sleeping children, in search of my Bible. Steady movements.

As the light of the sun breaks through the horizon, my temptation to give birth to unhealthy thoughts (worry, comparison, defeat, anger) fades, and the day literally transforms before my eyes.

This early morning sanctification has been a process, that is for sure. I did not grow into "a woman of the Word" by chance. Instead, I slowly began to notice the behaviors of women I wanted to model my life after, and I started to ask them questions. And while these women are all quite different from each other, what they have in common is a desire to live a life that honors the Lord.

I'm reminded of Genesis 50:21b where Joseph comforted his fearful eleven brothers and spoke kindly to them. That's the posture I want to present to my children. "A quiet and gentle spirit, which in God's sight is very precious," as mentioned in 1 Peter 3:4.

When my children emerge from their cozy bedrooms, when they bring their warm bodies to my side and flash me their smiles, I respond this way: "Oh, I am SO happy to see you! Good morning, good morning!"

What a powerful way for my children to start their day; what a powerful way for me to start my day!

May the grace and peace of Christ flood your heart, and your home. Amen.

About Maggie

Maggie Whitley weaves her writings around joy in motherhood, homemaking, faith, and simple living. She homeschools her children, enjoys a quiet room while reading, and roars with laughter over the challenges & delights of motherhood. Maggie and her husband, along with their four young children, live in metro-Detroit. She has been writing online since 2008.

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