Trust Him
Trust... This simple word is one of the hardest for me to grasp. In a given week, there is at least one day that is full of anxiety about the fear of the future, conversations, or tasks at hand.
Years ago God gave me this verse:
"Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust IS the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit." Jeremiah 17:7-8
God is worth trusting AND He is using these moments to break us free. He wants our freedom.
The week that God showed me this verse, was the week that I realized I needed to break up with my boyfriend at the time. Friends, when God puts us in "do you trust me" moments, God is speaking clearly to us and telling us which direction to go in... Whether walking out in faith means only the knowledge of the next step, choosing joy over anxiety and fear, or an entire career change, these moments that come up in our lives are so purposeful and exciting. I think sometimes we need to view these situations differently.
After we broke up, it was really hard... Not only emotionally, but a few weeks prior I learned that I going to graduate a year early from college. I was totally confused on where God wanted me. No direction, fear of the future... I didn't even know Who I was or What I wanted. Everything was unknown and it sent me into a total tailspin. But here's the catch: God wants you in these places. like He is picking you up and turning you around. You will find a sweetness in these places that you would never have experienced because God is PURSUING YOU.
"Do you trust me" moments also come everyday. Will you choose to focus on your fear of the future or the joy of the present? Are you going to be anxious about what's on your plate or know that God has it? These moments are just as important because we have the choice to walk out in freedom and experience life or allow life to paralyze us. The daily choice to trust Him is where we exercise the muscles for the bigger choices that Will come our way.
Both the big and daily “do you trust Me" moments drive us towards the purpose, passions, and character that God has for us.
Challenge: Look at your circumstances and unknowns as grounds for growth, romance, and freedom from the Lord. Pray for a renewed mindset of hope for your future. Wait patiently before the Lord like it says in the Psalms:
"Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!" psalm 27:14
Trusting the Lord sends us directly into the arms of God. He wants to hold you and lead you. The adventures that He is beckoning you towards will be rich with the love of the all perfect Father. He isn't sending you into the dark. He is pushing You forward With the light Of Christ. You have nothing to fear. Trust Him.
"Trust Him" by Liz / Los Angeles, California